Sermon Series

Check out our latest sermon series. Simply click on the picture or sermon title to watch the sermons. 

  • Throughout Jesus's life, he consistently ate with people. In the Book of Luke, we see this take place on many occasions. It is during these table talks that Jesus expresses some of the most intimate messages of what it means to follow him. Join us as we explore Jesus at the table.

  • The Gospel is good news. This is the primary message of Jesus when he entered the world. It remains the primary message of the church. But there is often a lot of questions surrounding what it means to be saved, how to share the good news, and what happens after a person is saved. Join us as we examine what It truly means to have good news!

  • Jesus was the greatest storyteller. In his parables, he shared truth with new insight. Often, those listening to his stories were confused. Others were astounded. Jesus’s encouragement was to hear the stories and learn from them. In this series, we will dive into Jesus’s kingdom stories from Matthew 13 to see what we can learn from the Storyteller.

  • The Bible can sometimes be a little confusion. What is the point of Creation? What happens to us when we die? Are there still prophets today? What do we mean when we say that there is only one God, but talk about Jesus and the Holy Spirit as Divine? What role does Israel have to play today? Not every question has easy, straightforward answers. In this series, we will dive into these questions and seek to provide some biblical answers to them.  

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  • Do you ever want to live a wiser life? Many decisions in life are not as easy as they may first appear to seem. Perhaps it is a struggle to consider all of the ramifications that might happen if you choose wrongly. Perhaps you just don’t know what the right thing to do is. We have all been there at some point in life. The Book of Proverbs seeks to instill the Wisdom of God into the lives of God’s people. Join us, as we seek to find that wisdom necessary for the good life.

  • The world is often full of pain. We feel the heartache of loss, sickness, and a world that just does not seem right. Out of that pain, we often look to the future hope of heaven. As Christians, we can’t wait to get to heaven where pain will be gone. In the meantime, we forget that Jesus encourages to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as in heaven. Part of the church’s mission is to be God’s hope and ambassadors in this world. We are called to live on earth as it is in Heaven.

  • Jesus often did the unexpected. While the social norms of the day called for the highest level of purity and right living, Jesus lived differently. He showed a better way of connecting with people who had harmed us and who were different than us. Too often, we struggle with living with such people. In this series, we are challenged to live like Jesus in this world. It will be difficult. But it is the most rewarding life possible.

  • Have you ever found yourself wondering where God was? Too often, we struggle with our relationship with God. Maybe we are too busy, or we allow the distractions of life to interrupt our efforts. Maybe we simply don’t know what we need to do to get closer to God. Join us in this study as we seek ways to grow closer to God through the Spiritual Disciplines found throughout the New Testament.

  • The Christmas Story is a fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel. God desired from the beginning to be Israel’s king. However, they rejected him as that King. In Jesus, the King enters into history and changes the world. The question now remains, which king will we follow?

  • Life is full of pain. As Christians, it is easy to forget that God is with us through the trialing times. The book of Job has been a source of comfort for God’s people throughout the generations. It speaks of one man’s life as he dealt with loss. Throughout it all, he remained faithful through the pain. Join us as we examine the life lessons that Job gives.

  • The Church can be a messy place. Whether we are dealing with leadership, sinfulness, worship styles, or anything else that divides us, we find that the church does not always see eye-to-eye. This is not new. The Corinthian church was messy. Join us as we dive into Paul’s letter to this church as he guides them through the mess and into the beauty that is the Bride of Christ.

  • Often, we want to know what god would want us to do when faced with a big decision in life. We pray for signs. We asked to hear God speak. We might even interpret our dreams as visions from God. But what if we don’t get any of these? How can we know what God wants me to do? In this series, we will examine the biblical method for finding God’s will for our lives.

  • We often have a lot of questions when it comes to what we read in the Bible. Sometimes the questions have easy to find answers. Many times it does not. How can we ask the questions that many people seem to know the answer to? In this series, we will look at some of the hard questions we often have, but are too afraid to ask.

  • In this standalone sermon, we look at Psalm 46:1-11 and the invitation for us to pause (Selah) in His Presence.

  • Much of Jesus’s ministry and life centered around the Sea of Galilee. This lake was the center of operation and the backdrop to much of what Jesus taught and did. In this series, we look at two stories from Mark where Jesus taught and healed. Join us as we get a small glimpse into Jesus’s lake life.

  • Not many people have perfect relationships all the time. For most people, we struggle at some point in time with a friend or a family member. It seems that we are constantly fixing the problems that we cause. Is there a better way to do relationships?

  • There are a lot of questions out there about Jesus. With the internet comes a lot of disinformation as well as truth. It is sometimes hard to distinguish between the noise. What should we believe? In this series, we will look at some of the most important question about Jesus and seek to provide truthful answers.

  • The Exodus account is a pivotal moment in the history of Scripture. In this story, we see the pain and suffering of God’s people which leads them to cry out for justice. We see God hear and answer those prayers by sending and equipping the most unlikely of heroes. In the end, we see God rescue his people. The themes of Exodus is found throughout the rest of Scripture. It continues to be played out in our lives.

  • Mark 12:41-44

    In this standalone sermon, we will see that God looks at the heart of giving, not the bottom line. God desires for us to give generously and sacrificially.

  • There are times when we aren't sure how to pray.  Likewise, the disciples asked for guidance in prayer.  Jesus taught them.  His teaching in Matthew 6 shows us how to pray like He did.

  • Every year, we celebrate the coming of Jesus during Christmas. While we are unsure exactly when Jesus was born, we choose to take this time out of the year to remember the incarnation. This moment in history when Jesus step out of heaven and became human. In in the Incarnation, we have a God who actively participated with his Creation. This year, we will pause and reflect on what Christmas means.

  • Fear often holds us back. Fear of rejection. Fear of being cancelled. Fear of opinions. These fears tend to make Christians unwilling to step out in faith and proclaim what they believe. Yet, we see the faith of some great men and women in the Bible who stood for what they believed even when others were fearful. Join us as we examine this bold faith so that we might learn how to be bold ourselves.

  • Jesus proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was at hand. By making this declaration, Jesus ushered in a new way to be human. It is a way of living that God desires from his people and his creation. But what does that way of living look like? In this series, we examine what it means to be a disciple and how we can grow together into the people of God who live in His Kingdom.

  • A 2022 Standalone Sermon: God gives us rumble strips (alerts) to assist us in getting to the right destination. 

  • One of the most daunting tasks we have in this life is understanding who God is. For many people, they will spend their entire lives striving to get closer to God and His will. However, that task is impossible in many ways. Yet, God decided to reveal himself to us. What can we learn about God and our relationship to him by what he has shown himself to be?

  • Who are we? That is an important question to address in our lives. It is an important question to address in the lives of the church. Over the past five-hundred years, denominations have sprung up all across the world. Each teach their own brand of Christianity. At Kentucky Road, we desire to return to the root of the church’s foundation found in Scripture. Join us as we seek to answer the question of who we are.

  • This sermon takes us to Mark 4:25-31 as we learn about how Jesus calmed the storm and what he was teaching us through that.

  • A yearly, one-week series that answers some questions that come from the congregation.

  • Do you ever want to live a wiser life? Many decisions in life are not as easy as they may first appear to seem. Perhaps it is a struggle to consider all of the ramifications that might happen if you choose wrongly. Perhaps you just don’t know what the right thing to do is. We have all been there at some point in life. The Book of Proverbs seeks to instill the Wisdom of God into the lives of God’s people. Join us, as we seek to find that wisdom necessary for the good life. 

  • Marriage is hard. Within the marriage relationship, you are bringing two different people together into a unity that is to stretch throughout time. But the differences in personality and the changes that occur in people over time makes marriage difficult. What are the things that we can do to improve on our marriage? How can we have a marriage that operates the way that God desires it to? What steps do we need to take to have a marriage that works?

  • What does it mean to practically live out the lifestyle that Jesus demonstrated to us? In many ways, the way that we live out our servant leadership is by loving our community. There are two major ways in which we can accomplish this in our lives. The first is by sharing the Good News that has radically changed our lives, and the second is by loving our community in serving them. Join us as we examine these two concepts in this series.

  • Jesus was asked how a person can be the greatest in the kingdom of God. His answer was shocking to the Disciples who wanted to know how they can raise their social status. Jesus responds by telling them that greatness in the kingdom is serving others. Throughout His life, Jesus showcased this type of servant leadership with the way He interacted with others. As Christians, we are called to imitate this Servant King with our lives. Join us as we study the life of Jesus through the lens of the way that He served others.

  • In the Beginning… These words start the entirety of Scripture’s story. They introduce the main character of the Bible, God. And throughout those opening chapters of Genesis, we see the answer to the age-old question: Why are we here? What is our problem? Join us as we examine the answers to these questions together.

  • “Just pray and trust God!” We often hear these words when we speak about mental wellness. When someone is anxious about the future, when someone is struggling with depression, when someone has other concerns in life, this is the advice that the well-meaning Christian often gives. However, it is not always helpful advice. While it is certainly true that we should pray and trust God, the reality is that this is sometimes harder to put into practice. As Christians, we need to engage the issue of mental wellness in different ways. In this series, we will seek to find new ways to engage in this conversation. And while we will likely return to pray and trusting God, there are more things that we can do as well.

  • We live within a unique time in history. Because of expanding age expectancy, we now live in a period of history that sees five generations living at the same time. This brings new challenges as we deal with changes in society that seem to happen before anyone knows what to do. It is an exciting and challenging time. The question that the church must answer in this moment is this: how can we leave a lasting legacy together?

  • Christmas music is among the most favorite music of Christians. While most would not want to listen to Christmas music all year, there is a sense of enjoyment when we get past Thanksgiving and we start to hear the familiar songs on the radio. The Christmas hymns speak of a truth that is deeper than the melody we sing. This year join us as we celebrate Christmas and learn of the story of Jesus through the songs that we sing.

  • What is the gospel? This is not always an easy question to answer. Within the book of Romans, Paul presents the important aspect of the gospel message. In this series, we will examine his presentation and learn what the Gospel is and what it means for us.

  • God called us to live a transformed life. This life that we are called to is to be lived out in faith and results in blessing others around us. But sometimes, we can become confused on how exactly we live out this transformed life. In this series, we study the life of Elisha to see a man whose life blesses those around him because he faithfully serve God.

  • Who do you find it hardest to talk to about Jesus? Sometimes the answer to that question might surprise us. For many Christians today, it is hard to share the gospel with people that are opposed to our way of thinking. This is not a new sensation. Jonah was called to his enemies. After receiving that call, mistakes were made. The book of Jonah is a great study in what not to do when going and sharing the gospel to all people.  

  • This sermon series will be part of our relationship series for 2021. The focus for this year will be what it takes to build great relationships with God, family, and friends. The common theme throughout is a willing to take a backseat to the needs of others. The passages do not come from one book, but focus on several important passages throughout the New Testament.

  • In John’s Gospel, Jesus makes seven “I am” statements. These statements are some of the most powerful statements in all of the Gospels. They point to a Jesus that is more than just a human being. It is a Jesus is gives life and fulfills many Old Testament imagery. The goal of the series will be to examine his words in John, their importance from and Old Testament perspective, and how they apply to us today.

  • Have you ever wondered what to do in life? Maybe life is good, but something is missing. Maybe life is not going so great. James offers a solution to this problem. In this stand-alone sermon, we examine James's solution to our circumstance in life: prayer. 

  • The Church is made up of diverse people seeking to find a unity that comes from God. In the New Testament, the authors give several metaphors to explain how this diversity in unity is attained. In this series, we examine four of the more popular and powerful metaphors for the church, and how they relate to the church at Kentucky Road. 

  • This Stand-alone sermon examines the importance of generosity in the Christian's life. Join us as we look through 2 Corinthians 8 and Paul's arguments for the Christian to have an attitude of generosity. 

  • Every year, millions of Americans gather around and celebrate the Christmas holiday. For some, it is simply a time of cheer and goodwill. A holiday celebrated by their family for generations. For others, it is a time to reflect on the birth of Jesus, the namesake of the holiday. But who is Jesus? Why is his birth so important? Matthew’s Gospel seeks to provide important answers to this question. Join us, as we examine this story together.

  • Why am I here? Perhaps we have all asked this question at some point in our lives. This question can be difficult to answer at times. We read in the Bible that God has a purpose for each and every one of us. None of us are a mistake in His eyes. He desires us to engage our world around us. Join us as we explore this question deeper and seek to find purpose for our lives.

  • The presiding worldview of North America is decidedly post-Christian. It is dominated by secularism, science, and an intensely privatized spirituality. As with every dominating worldview, it impacts the way that we evaluate competing truth claims. We all start out with a set of presuppositions and paradigms that we assume to be fact based, but we seldom test it. In this series, we will examine some of the problems that secularism has with Christianity and seek to challenge those issues to provide a biblical worldview.

  • The Black Eyed Peas asked in 2003: “Where is the Love?” Seventeen years later, this question remains relevant. The world is full of chaos and hate. The culture bleeds into the church. At times, Christians show more animosity towards one another than anyone else. This should not be. John writes a letter to Christians to explain to them the importance of Love. We have a good God who desires perfect love from us. Join us as we see exactly how we can have perfect love in our lives.

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